Cercidium 'Desert Museum'
Desert Museum Palo Verde
This desert tree has an upright habit and can reach 30' high and wide. It can grow moderately fast with irrigation, however, it can be considered drought tolerant. Trees bloom profusely in spring with clusters of golden-yellow blossoms.
Maintenance Tips
Cercidium 'Desert Museum' is a hybrid of the naturally occurring Palo Verde tree. This tree is typically multi-trunked so it takes on the form of a large shrub, growing up to 25' tall and wide. If the tree is located where it can reach its full size at maturity, it will only require minimal pruning to maintain a beautiful natural shape. Using the thinning method is the best way to prune away cross branches and allow sunlight into the tree canopy. This tree is susceptible to a fungus called Powdery Mildew, which is more prevalent in coastal areas or during periods of humidity. This fungus rarely kills the tree, but it can be unsightly and affect the tree's ability to photosynthesize. Treating the tree with a topical or systemic fungicide can be very helpful in treating the disease.