Fremontodendron californicum
Flannel Bush
Flannel Bush is a fast growing, evergreen shrub that grows from 12'-18' tall. It has 3'" lobed leaves and a mass of 3" flowers that bloom in spring and early summer. It needs good drainage. It is a California native plant that is drought tolerant and attracts butterflies.
Maintenance Tips
Fremontodendron californicum is a large, free-formed shrub that can mature at 12-18’ tall with a 10’ spread. It is very drought tolerant and is susceptible to root rot during the hottest months of the year in an irrigated garden. To keep the maintenance as low as possible, it is best to plant it in full sun, in well-drained soil with very little water once established. Hotter climates may be too much heat for the plant to thrive, so consider planting in a more protected area if you are not along the coast. It is important to give this plant the room it needs to reach maturity. It has a tall, arching, open shape and can succumb to uprooting in wind and heavy rains. This plant will benefit greatly from thinning out the tallest branches or dense parts of the shrub to allow sunlight and wind to pass through the interior of the plant. There is no need for fertilizer as it is accustomed to our native soil.