Santolina chamaecyparissus
Lavender Cotton
This ground cover/small shrub will grow to 2' tall and has small, grayish silver leaves with yellow flowers that bloom in the summer.
Maintenance Tips
Santolina chamaecyparissus is a Mediterranean native that can be found in many California gardens. It is very drought tolerant and is very low maintenance if it is planted in a location where it can reach its full mature size of 2’ tall to 3’ wide. This plant is susceptible to root rot or fungal diseases if the soil is too wet or doesn’t drain easily. If the plant develops fungal issues, allow the soil to dry out and treat with a systemic fungicide. This plant usually blooms in the summer, and the plant will continue to bloom if you deadhead the spent flowers. In the late winter or early spring, you can cut back the foliage by one-third of the current size to maintain the size and encourage new growth.