Lantana montevidensis
Trailing Lantana
Lavender flowers accent the trailing growth habit of this Lantana. It is excellent for spilling over walls or down banks. Eventually, it will reach about 2' tall by 6' wide; size is controlled by pruning and severity of winter. It does best in full sun and is drought tolerant. It grows rapidly, even in heat, smog and poor soil. It is cold hardy to 25 degrees F, but recovers quickly. Fruit is poisonous. Butterflies are attracted to Lantana.
Maintenance Tips
Lantana montevidensis is a trailing flowering shrub that is found all over landscapes in warm climates. This variety matures at 18” tall and can spread up to 6’ wide. It has a very rapid rate of growth and can often grow over itself, creating a dense mat of branching under the flowers. This plant is often the victim of box-hedging and poor pruning habits. The flowers form at the tops of the branches so the poor pruning habits cut off all of the blooming potential, leaving a woody box or ball that sends out excessive amounts of growth to try and recover. Thinning this shrub regularly is the best way to keep the shrub healthy and to ensure it continues to bloom. It is generally low maintenance, but it is susceptible to some fungal infections if the conditions are too wet. It is very heat and drought-tolerant, so back off on the summer water to help control potential pests and fungal disease.
Growth Rate
Fast, Moderate
Soil Type
Sandy, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular
Soil Condition
Average, Poor, Well-drained, Dry
Soil pH
Neutral, Basic
Adverse Factors
Be sure to fix all leaks promptly no matter how small they may seem.