Common name:Ferned-Leaved Tickseed
Botanical name:Bidens ferulifolia 'Goldmarie'
Tickseed grows 14'-18" tall. It is a heat tolerant variety that is perfect for cascading, bright color in baskets, containers, and window boxes. Finely divided foliage is covered with gold, single flowers. It blooms until first frost. Plant in full sun. It needs well-drained soi.
Common name:Mexican Bush Sage
Botanical name:Salvia leucantha
The Mexican Sage is a bushy shrub that grows 3'-4' tall and wide. It has hairy white stems, gray green leaves and velvet-like purple flower spikes that bloom summer through fall. This shrub tolerates sun, light shade, little water, and is hardy to 15 degrees F. The Mexican Sage is drought tolerant and attracts hummingbirds.
Common name:Slender Sedge
Botanical name:Carex praegracilis
California native, rhizomatous. Native on alkaline soil. Low and adapted to a lawn use. Sun or shade. Somewhat drought tolerant. Will take some traffic. It is commonly found in meadows, open areas, marshes and wetlands.
Common name:Curly Top Sedge
Botanical name:Carex buchananii
This orange bronze ornamental grass/reed is 2'-3' tall and 1'-2' wide and does best in full sun to part shade.
Designer: Daley Landscape
Photographer: GardenSoft
Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.
Adjust sprinklers to avoid watering sidewalks and driveways.
Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.