

Tour: Annie's Garden

Annie's Place Garden 10
Peruvian Lily, Alstroemeria
Sweet Orange cultivars
Germander Sage
Climbing Rose
Prostrate or Spreading Acacia
Peruvian Lily, Alstroemeria

Common name:Peruvian Lily, Alstroemeria
Botanical name:Alstroemeria hybrids

The deciduous rhizomes of this Peruvian Lily will often run aggressively if not controlled. They grow best in full to partial sun with some summer watering in dry climates. The florist strains can reach 6' tall, while the compact strains range from 12" 36" tall. For extra long, florist quality stems, stake or grow through netting for support.

Sweet Orange cultivars

Common name:Sweet Orange cultivars
Botanical name:Citrus sinensis

This tree will grow 20'-30' high and 10'-15' wide; it produces sweet, tasty oranges. It has shiny green, leathery foliage and produces clusters of fragrant white flowers that bloom in the spring.


Common name:Sunflower
Botanical name:Helianthus annuus

Sunflowers can grow anywhere from 6'-15' tall on top of thick, sturdy stems. They have large, dark green leaves with bright yellow flowers with tender petals that bloom spring to summer. The flowers need direct sunlight and a lot of water.

Germander Sage

Common name:Germander Sage
Botanical name:Salvia chamaedryoides

This low mounding perennial with a long bloom period, spreads by underground runners. It produces a small, silvery foliage which serves as a background for bright blue flowers. Bruised leaves have a spicy fragrance. Germander Sage reaches 2' tall and 4' wide. Heaviest blooms are in spring and early fall, but intermittent throughout the year. It requires full sun, well draining soil and is drought tolerant once it's established. Do not fertilize.

Maintenance Tips

Salvia chamaedryoides is a perennial shrub native to Mexico. It can grow 2-3’ tall and 3-4’ wide in a dense, irregular shape. It has intense blue flowers that are born at the tips of the branches, so hedging is discouraged as it will cut off the blooming potential. However, deadheading spent blooms can increase the blooming cycle. It can vary greatly in shape and size, so the best way to keep it low maintenance is to give it the space it requires to reach maturity, then use the thinning method, pruning out the longest branches and allowing sunlight to the interior of the plant. This plant rarely has any pest or disease issues and rarely requires any kind of fertilizer to look and perform its best.

Climbing Rose

Common name:Climbing Rose
Botanical name:Rosa Climbing varieties

With its dark green foliage and fragrant flowers with full and double blooms, this upright shrub is generally grown as a vine or pillar rose. Climbing varieties come in many colors.

Prostrate or Spreading Acacia

Common name:Prostrate or Spreading Acacia
Botanical name:Acacia redolens 'Prostrata'

This is a fast growing, drought tolerant ground cover growing no higher than 3' and spreading 12 to 15' wide. The leaves are gray green; it has yellow flowers from February to April.

Designer: Annie Hall

Annie's Place Garden 10
Image: 8 of 16

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.